Reel Credits
*Denotes award-Winning Project
L.I.F.E Anthologies; Ep. 3 "P's & Q's"*
Dir.: Dathan Smith (2021)
AD: Tiffany Warren | DP/Color: Kelly Riot
Edit: Tiffany Warren
Monsters Inside My Head: "The Puppeteer"*
Dir.: Maude Michaud (2022)
Edit/Color: Tiffany Warren
Last Unknown Soldier
Dir.: Deward Lawrence (2022)
Edit: Tiffany Warren
73 Minutes
Dir.: Lou Simon (2022)
Color: Tiffany Warren
Dir.: Jill Narcisco (2021)
Color: Tiffany Warren
Unreal Engine Demo - Rotting Roses Teaser Trailer
Created in UE 4.27 using Edith Finch Environments &
Scanlabz Interior Volume 1 (living room),

lighting and color altered with post-process volume tools.
Character created using MetaHumans, walking animated
using Scanned 3D People Pack and keyframing in sequencer,
face animated using keyframes on individual facial features
YouTube Client Demo
​​​​​​​Samples from my work with YouTube content creators.
Work Done by TW: editing, graphics & color

GRX Lifestyle Video

Lifestyle video created in prep for client's VR/XR Learning course launch.
Work Done by TW: editing, graphics & color
​​​​​​​151 Coffee Spec Commercial
​​​​​​​Work Done by TW: editing, graphics & color
Mock Television Network Sizzle Reel​​​​​​​
Work Done by TW: editing, graphics & color
Abuela & The 9 Strangers Book Teaser
teaser for upcoming short story collection
Bus Asset and video created by lyoshko
Work Done by TW: editing & graphics
Promise House Dallas PSA*​​​​​​​
The women in Film Dallas 2020 Silver Telly Award-Winning PSA
Work Done by TW: editing, graphics & color

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